Essential oils have long been a popular option for minimizing wrinkles and providing various other benefits for the skin. They can be a good choice for those who prefer more natural alternatives. I started using essential oils on my patients, in particular those who had skin diseases. When I realized their versatile healing powers I decided to start using them in my creams. Below you‘ll find three of my favorite essential oils to prevent and reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Neroli Essential Oil Can Reduce Wrinkles

Rejuvenating effect

This essential oil is known for having a soothing, balancing, and rejuvenating effect on the skin. It has a rich, citrusy scent and has been popular to use as a scar treatment and for stretch marks and spider veins. It also provides benefits for sensitive and mature skin as it tones the skin and may reduce wrinkles.

Wrinkle Treatment

Neroli can be used as a wrinkle treatment as it increases the elasticity of the skin and helps generate new skin cells. In addition to its topical properties, neroli oil has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety when inhaled.

Found in

The neroli oil I use in my products comes from France and is organic and steam-distilled from the flowers of the orange tree. It’s found in my Divine Radiance moisturizer.

Neroli Essential Oil

Rose Oil for Sensitive and Mature Skin

Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Rose oil is known for its rich floral scent and rejuvenating effect on the skin. It restores and tones sensitive and mature skin and can counteract the visible signs of aging by reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Smooths the Skin and Reduces Redness

Traditionally it is also used to smooth the skin and to heal broken capillaries, redness and dry skin. It can help skin cell renewal and therefore maintain its youthfulness.

Found in

The rose oil I use in my products is sourced from Morocco and is solvent-extracted from fresh rose petals. You can find it in my Divine Radiance moisturizer.

Rose Essential Oil

This is an Icelandic Rose picked by me.

Lavender Essential Oil is Calming and Soothing

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Bacterial

Lavender essential oil is well known for its calming, soothing and balancing effect on the skin and its relaxing aroma. It is also anti-microbial and highly effective for acne and skin conditions like rosacea.

Skin Conditions

Lavender oil is an effective wound healing remedy. Besides being strongly anti-inflammatory it also reduces itching and has healing effects on skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

Found in

The organic lavender oil I use is sourced from France and is steam-distilled from the flowering plant. You can find it in the Facial Glow Moisturizer which is used for balancing the skin and for fine lines and wrinkles. Lavender essential oil is also found in the Divine Healing Cream and Bliss Healing Balm, both of which are popular for healing skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Lavender Essential Oil

The Powerful Anti-Aging Duo

This powerful duo of age-defying Divine Radiance moisturizer and balancing Facial Glow moisturizer gives long-lasting hydration for mature skin. It also contains all three essential oils for wrinkles: Neroli, Rose and Lavender. Used together they will minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I recommend using Facial Glow in the morning and Divine Radiance in the evening. If the skin is dry, then apply Divine Radiance during the day as well, after applying the Facial Glow in the morning. Both moisturizers are easily absorbed and perfect under make-up.

About the Author

Anna Rósa is a medical herbalist and author of the bestselling book Icelandic Herbs and Their Medicinal Uses. She’s the CEO and founder of Anna Rósa Skincare and a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists in UK. It’s the oldest herbalist institute in the world, founded in 1894.

Anna Rósa CEO and Founder of Anna Rósa Skincare